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We work alongside clinicians, researchers, governments and healthcare related institutions to advance the delivery of healthcare worldwide. Through partnerships, innovation, and information we are working to support a healthier future for all.

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Inclusion, innovation and information

See deeper with the most advanced 3D female anatomy model

For centuries, the study of anatomy was largely limited to the male form. This has had major implications for the medical diagnosis and treatment of women.

Elsevier’s complete 3D female anatomy, alongside its model customization, is a giant step towards tackling the unconscious bias that exists across the medical profession.

Learn how we built a female anatomy model

complete anatomy female anatomy model

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Improving pre-natal care in India

In India, making healthcare delivery inclusive means ensuring that people have access to the kind of care and information that can help save lives.  A partnership between Elsevier and the Lady Hardinge Medical College and All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) opens in new tab/window in Delhi found a way to combine the availability and empathy of the country’s auxiliary nurse midwives with the AI clinical decision support system Arezzo.

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Parent putting face mask on child
Clinician of the Future 2023: Education Edition report cover. Medical students gather in the library and discuss project.

Clinician of the Future 2023: Education Edition report

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Prof Nicole Harder's film crew for clinical simulations.

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Facing the future

Our team at Elsevier Health is helping practitioners deliver the improved outcomes that we all hope for. Together we see a incredible possibilities for global health, and we are reaching beyond our current initiatives with five pillars that will shape the future.