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Effective Nursing Education with Osmosis

Osmosis makes teaching nursing students more effective and efficient through bite-sized, illustrated videos and learning assessment tools available on demand.

Osmosis Nursing for Australia and New Zealand

Visual assessments for effective teaching and learning.

Illustrated videos plus linked assessment items that support teaching and learning

Comprehensive Essential Sciences Library: Give students access to essential sciences, including Anatomy, Microbiology, Pathology, and Physiology, for active learning and a strong knowledge foundation.

Core Nursing Subjects: Our library of 850+ videos supports various nursing curricula, covering Adult and General Nursing, Community and Public Health Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, and more.

Review Questions: 3,200+ questions with learning objectives and detailed rationales promote true learning over memorization.

GME-Osmosis Nursing

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Reporting and analytics

  1. Spot knowledge gaps early

  2. Track individual student performance

  3. See which students are actively learning

It’s important for faculty to be able to identify and remediate at-risk (and failing) students as early as possible. With Osmosis, you can offer continuous low-stakes assessments to students with thousands of review questions. By pairing these assessments with the Osmosis Reporting Dashboard, you can spot learning gaps, and your institution will receive an early indication of students who are struggling.

Reporting and analytics- Osmosis

Curricular Support and Formative Assessments

  1. Help students comprehend, not just memorize

  2. Detailed explanations for each possible answer

  3. 10+ question types to choose from

Curating Osmosis video playlists and assessments that align with your curriculum is simple and intuitive. Build playlists and assign materials based on nursing concepts, essential sciences, and more. Our flexible platform has review questions that support your program’s learning goals and meet your learners where they are.

Curricular Support and Formative Assessments

Meet our team of educational and clinical experts

Our local subject matter experts ensure content aligns with relevant UK and Ireland nursing curricula.

Meet our team:

  • Natalie Elliott, Registered Nurse

  • Samuel Richards, RMN BSc

  • Justyna Smeaton, PGCert, BN (Hons), RGN, RCN

The Osmosis Mobile Nursing App

The Osmosis Nursing app is perfect for students who want a deeper understanding of nursing topics they encounter in nursing school, clinical practice and exams, as well as for educators who want to bring innovative teaching tools into their curriculum