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Brijesh K. Tiwari


Brijesh K. Tiwari

University College Dublin, Ireland

Topic: Innovative Processing and Sustainable Valorisation

Professor Brijesh K Tiwari is a Principal Research Officer at TEAGASC and adjunct Professor at UCD School of Biosystems and Food Engineering. Professor Tiwari has an internationally recognised reputation for food engineering research as evidenced by his Highly Cited Researcher designation continuously since 2018 by Clarivates (Web of Science). He has published over 300 high impact peer reviewed journal papers. He leads a team of over 25 researchers including postdoctoral researchers and PhD students in the area of sustainable food processing and preservation technologies. His editorial responsibilities include Editor LWT – Food Science and Technology and Food Chemistry. He is also a fellow of IFST (UK), RSC (UK), AFSTI (India) and the IUFoST.