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Tetyana Vasylyeva.


Tetyana Vasylyeva

The University of California, Irvine, USA

Dr. Tetyana (Tanya) Vasylyeva is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Population Health and Disease Prevention at the University of California Irvine (UCI). Before joining UCI in October 2023, she spent 2 years with the Division of Infectious Diseases and Global Public Health at UC San Diego, and 6 years before that with the University of Oxford, first pursuing a DPhil in Molecular Epidemiology degree, and then holding an appointment with the Department of Zoology as a Branco Weiss Society in Science Fellow. She is an expert in molecular and socio-behavioral epidemiology studies, with a particular focus on generalizing HIV epidemics and the effect of migration on HIV transmission dynamics. Her research focuses on the applications of phylodynamics, social networks, and behavioral epidemiology methods in understudied and vulnerable populations, such as forcibly displaced populations and those at elevated risk of HIV. Dr. Vasylyeva conducts global health research in countries affected by conflict, economic and other crises, including Ukraine, Colombia, and Madagascar. She is also a co-director of the PhD in Public Health Program at UCI.