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Previous events and testimonials

Previous events

Biosensors 2025 is the 35th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors. The First World Congress took place in Singapore in 1990 and has travelled around the world, taking place in Europe, the Americas and Asia.

2023 June 5-6, 2023, Biosensors 2023, Busan, Korea

2021 July 26-29, Biosensors 2021, ONLINE

2018 June 12-15, Biosensors 2018, Miami, USA

2016 May 25-27, Biosensors 2016, Gothenburg, Sweden

2014 May 27-30, Biosensors 2014, Melbourne, Australia

2012 May 15-18, Biosensors 2012, Cancun, Mexico

2010 May 26-28, Biosensors 2010, Glasgow, Scotland

2008 May 14-16, Biosensors 2008, Shanghai, China

2006 May 10-12, Biosensors 2006, Toronto, Canada

2004 May 24-26, Biosensors 2004, Granada, Spain

2002 May 15-17, Biosensors 2002, Kyoto, Japan

2000 May 24-26, Biosensors 2000, San Diego, USA

1998 June 2-5, Biosensors 1998, Berlin, Germany

1996 May 29-31, Biosensors 1996, Bangkok, Thailand

1994 June 1-3, Biosensors 1994, New Orleans, USA

1992 May 20-22, Biosensors 1992, Geneva, Switzerland

1990 May 2-4, Biosensors 1990, Singapore

Previous award winners

Anthony and Alice Turner Award

The Anthony and Alice Turner Award,  awarded by the Organizing Committee to the person who has given long-term contribution to the field was given to Professor Freider Scheller, honorary professor at the University of Potsdam, Germany

Watch video here S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre

Biosensors & Bioelectronics best paper award

2023 winners

Winner: The electrochemical modulation of single molecule fluorescence to give quantitative biosensors based on single molecule counting J. Justin Gooding, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

1st runner-up: Rapid and sensitive detection of miRNA via light scatter-aided emulsion-based isothermal amplification using a custom low-cost device Tyler Hertenstein, Yisha Tang, Alexander S. Day, Jocelyn Reynolds, Patrick V. Viboolmate, and Jeong-Yeol Yoon, University of Arizona, USA

2nd runner-up: Soft implantable printed bioelectronic system for wireless continuous monitoring of restenosis Bruno Rigo, Allison Bateman, Hyeonseok Kim, Jimin Lee, Lissette Romero, Robert Herbert, Woon-Hong Yeo, Georgia Tech., USA

2021 winner

CRISPR-powered electrochemical microfluidic multiplexed biosensor for target amplification-free miRNA diagnostics Richard Bruch, Midori Johnston, André Kling, Thorsten Mattmüller, Julia Baaske, Stefan Partel, Sibylle Madlener, Wilfried Weber, Gerald A.Urban and Can Dincer.

Volume 177, 1 April 2021, 112887.  Access via ScienceDirect S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre

2018 winner

Integrating printed microfluidics with silicon photomultipliers for miniaturised and highly sensitive ATP bioluminescence detection M.F. Santangelo, S. Libertino, A.P.F. Turner, D. Filippini and W.C. Mak

2018 runners up

Designer fungus FAD glucose dehydrogenase capable of direct electron transfer KoheiIto, Junko Okuda-Shimazaki, Kazushige Mori, Katsuhiro Kojima, WakakoTsugawaa, Kazunori Ikebukuro, Chi-EnLin, Jeffrey La Belle, Hiromi Yoshida and Koji Sode

Organic electrochromic timer for enzymatic skin patches Hiroyuki Kai, Wataru Suda, Shotaro Yoshida and Matsuhiko Nishizawa

Integrated chemiluminescence-based lab-on-chip for detection of life biomarkers in extraterrestrial environments Augusto Nascetti, Mara Mirasoli, Elisa Marchegiani, Martina Zangheri, Francesca Costantini, Alessandro Porchetta, Lorenzo Iannascoli, Nicola Lovecchio, Domenico Caputo, Giampiero de Cesare, Simone Pirrotta and Aldo Roda

2016 winner

Towards single molecule biosensors using super-resolution fluorescence microscopy Xun Lu; Philip R Nicovich; Katharina Gaus; J. Justin Gooding

2016 runner-up

Surface plasmon resonance as a tool for investigation of non-covalent nanoparticle interactions in heterogenous self-assembly & disassembly systems Konstantin G Shevchenko; Vladimir R Cherkasov; Andrey A Tregubov; Petr I Nikitin; Maxim P Nikitin

2014 winner

Pei-Rong Wanga, Xu Zhanga, Yao-Gen Shubb, Jia-Chang Yuea, aInstitute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy Sciences, Beijing, P.R. China, bInstitute of Theoretical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, P.R. China

2014 runners up

Michael Thompson,a,b,* Christophe Blaszykowski,b Sonia Sheikha and Alexander Romaschinc aUniversity of Toronto, Canada, b Econous Systems Inc., Toronto, Canada cSt. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Canada

Yanyan Wang and Liang Tang, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

M Kühnemunda and M Nilssonb  aUppsala University, Sweden bStockholm University, Sweden

Poster awards

An award is given to the best poster from each session.

2023 Poster prize winners

1st place: Ear-wearable bioelectircal impedance analysis sensor using a half of upper body Wonjong Jung, Hyeongseok Jang, Jae Hong Lee, Hyungjun Youn, Myung Hoon Jung, Kak Namkoong, Advanced Sensor Lab., Device Research Center, Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea

2nd place: Cloud AI system that controlled microfluidic platform for diagnosis COVID-19 Juwon LEE1, Nabil B.H.2, Soonjong KIM1, Minjun PARK1, Woohee Cho1, Junhee LEE1, M. Mahabubur Rahman2, Joonsub SHIM1 1KwangWoon University, Seoul, Republic of Korea. 2Kwangwoon University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Joint 3rd place: Laser-scribed graphene with electrodeposition of Au nano-islands as SERS substrate for Bio-detection Yu-Ju Chu, Ting-Yu Liu, Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei, Taiwan Fabrication of Ag@cellualose multilayer filter paper SERS substrate for rapid and on-site bio-detection Chen Yang Lin, Ting-Yu Liu, Yun-Chu Chen, Department of Materials Engineering, Ming Chi University of Technology, New Taipei City, Taiwan

2021 Poster prize winners

Poster session 1: Joint winners

P1.004: High performing SPR biosensing with aluminum thin films A.S. Lambert*1, S.N. Valiulis1, A.S. Malinick1, I. Tanabe2, Q. Cheng1, 1University of California - Riverside, USA,2Osaka University, Japan

P1.064: A label-free DNA-immunosensor based on aminated rGO electrode for the quantification of DNA methylation. M. Safarzadeh*, A. Suhail, J. Sethi, A. Sattar, G. Pan, University of Plymouth, UK

Poster session 2

P2.003: Analysis of neuronal activities on modular structure Y. Bae*, M. Park, K. Lee, S. Lee, K. Yoo, Yonsei University, Republic of Korea

Poster session 3

P3.072: Streptavidin adsorption on silane monolayers and its impact on biotin recognition by molecular dynamics S. Lecot*1, A. Lavigne1, Z. Yang1, T. Géhin1, C. Botella1, V. Jousseaume2, Y. Chevolot1, M. Phaner-Goutorbe1, C. Yeromonahos1, 1University of Lyon, France,2Université Grenoble Alpes, France

Poster session 4

P4.003: Colorimetric biosensors based on smartphone and polydiacetylene for on-site food safety monitoring Q.F. Li*1,2,3, T.Q. Sun2, G.Ij. Salentijn3, B.A. Ning2, J.L. Bai2, D.P. Han2, Y. Peng2, Z.X. Gao2, Z.P. Wang1, 1Jiangnan University, China,2Tianjin Institute of Environmental and Operational Medicine, China,3Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands

Poster session 5

P5.088: High affinity hybrid MIPs for ultrasensitive cancer diagnosis

M. Pirzada*, E. Sehit, Z. Altintas, Technical University of Berlin, Germany

2018 Poster prize winners

Poster session 1

1st Place: P1.023 Detection of stress biomarkers in non-invasive biofluids using aptamer-based strip biosensor S. Dalirirad*, A.J. Steckl, University of Cincinnati, USA 2nd Place: P1.009 Molecular dynamics simulation guided rational aptamer engineering: toward flexible biosensing based on extended library R.Y. Wang*1, Q.S. Zhang2, X.H. Zhou1, H.C. Shi1, 1Tsinghua University, China, 2East China Normal University, China

3rd Place: P1.10 Simple label- and instrument-free pathogen enrichment via homobifunctional imidoesters using a microfluidic (SLIM) system for ultrasensitive pathogen detection in various clinical specimens C.E. Jin*1 ,2, B. Koo1 ,2, E.Y. Lee1 ,2, J.Y. Kim1, S.H. Kim1, Y. Shin1 ,2, 1University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Republic of Korea, 2Asan Institute of Life Sciences, Republic of Korea

Poster session 2

1st Place: P2.114 A DNAzyme amplified fluorescent biosensor for pyrophosphatase detection C-Y. Lee*, C-H. Liao, Y-Z. Hsieh, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

2nd Place: P2.038 A recombinase polymerase amplification sensor integrated microfluidic enrichment chip for low-abundant pathogen detection T.N.T. Dao*1, E.Y. Lee1, Y. Shin1, T.Y. Lee2, 1Asan Institute for Life Sciences, Republic of Korea, 2Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea 3rd Place: P2.108 Development of a simple, low-cost amperometric Assay for noninvasive monitoring of salivary glucose based on a graphene/Mn3O4/polyethylene glycol nanocomposite modified screen-printed electrode F.D. Krampa*1, Y. Aniweh1, G.A. Awandare1, P. Kanyong1 ,2, 1University of Ghana, Ghana, 2University of Oxford, UK

Poster session 3

1st Place: P3.097 Studying and manipulating the optimal frequency of a biomarker using nanoparticles to achieve a multi-marker detection platform C. Lin*, D. Probst, J. LaBelle, Arizona State University, USA

2nd Place: P3.099 Plasmonic optical fiber gratings for lung cancer diagnosis M. Loyez*, S. Chevineau, C. Caucheteur, R. Wattiez, University of Mons, Belgium 3rd Place: P3.169 LED color-switching type wireless biosensor system for the visualization of fish stress H. Wu*1, R. Shinoda1, M. Murata2, H. Matsumoto2, H. Ohnuki1, H. Endo1, 1Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, Japan, 2Hokkaido Industrial Technology Center, Japan

2014 Poster award winners

Poster session 1

Non-contact single cell printing for single cell real-time PCR F. Stumpf*2, J. Schöndube1, A. Gross1, G. Roth2, 3, R. Zengerle1, 2, P. Koltay1, 4,  1IMTEK, Germany, 2HSG-IMIT, Germany, 3BIOSS, Germany, 4BioFluidix GmbH, Germany

Poster session 2

Towards a smartphone-connected HIV test V. Turbe*1, E. Gray1, D. Athey2, H. Yatsuda2, 3, E. Nastouli1, R. McKendry1,  1University College London, UK, 2OJ Bio Ltd, UK, 3Japan Radio Company, Japan

Poster session 3

An SPR NanoMIP sensor for viruses analysis  Z. Altintas, M. Gittens, K.A. Thompson, A. Guerreiro, S. Piletsky, I.E. Tothill*, Cranfield University, UK

A rapid protein preconcentration monitoring without fluorescent labeling by the dual-loop current measurement method P.S. Chung*, Y.J. Fan, H.J. Sheen, W.C. Tian, National Taiwan University, Taiwan


After each event, we send out a questionnaire to all delegates. See below for what previous delegates to the World Congress on Biosensors thought about the congress and the reasons they would recommend it to colleagues.”

“All the conference was very important - oral, poster, plenary presentations.”

“Best overview on the ongoing research in the field.”

“Excellent keynote speakers, strong research presence from industry and academia, ample time given for poster presentation, useful industry exhibition.”

“Excellent technical content.”

“Good audience, new leads.”

“Good variety of topics and technologies.”

“High profile people present in the conference”

“High quality presentations and excellent organization.”

“I found the conference a real winner, attended by open minded, creative and diversely talented individuals. As an early stage researcher, I felt enthused and encouraged by the people I met and spoke with.”

“It gives a PhD student a sense of where they are in the scientific community of their field.”

“It is one of the most important events in field of biosensor and related topics.”

“It is the biggest conference in the biosensor area. The only one where you can meet people from all over the world in big number.”

“It was an excellent conference that managed in a very interesting and efficient way more than 1200 delegates. I was very happy to be there!”

“Most important international sensor experts attend the conference.”

“Networking, high level of lectures/ researchers.”

“Opportunity to find the collaboration and research networks.”

“Really broad and varied content, good support from academics, good plenary speakers, lots of choice for streamed talks. “

“The conference scope is highly relevant and the conference atmosphere is very welcoming and encouraging.”

“The Event covers wide interdisciplinary work and a chance to meet researcher working in wide Areas.”

“The high quality research projects given, the organization and the chance to meet different researchers in your field… all these have met my expectation.”

“The quality of material learnt in this conference. It was full of current research trends and novel work.”

“The quality of the individuals and materials presented represent the single best opportunity to network amongst the highly distributed groups in the field.”

“The scope is just right (both range of topics and amount of participants)”

“The wide pool of knowledge shared from all the invited researchers, together with the posters and the presentations, helps a lot on finding new ways and new ideas for research. “

“Very good program. Interesting talks. Perfectly organized. “

“Very impressive plenary speakers”

“Very well organised and all the biosensors community was there.“

Feedback on the conference app

“Amazing, wonderful, excellent! It was my first time with a conference apps and I used it throughout the conference for notes and for defining my own program”

“Great App, very useful. I took all my notes using this”

“I could design my own program of Biosensors 2016. This was appreciated.”

“I could plan my day in the conference: visiting posters and reaching quickly the theatre for the presentations.”

“I liked that you would get an alarm for marked talks. The updated time schedule is the most important feature.”