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Submissions to most of our journals will be handled via our online submission system Editorial Manager (EM). Using an online submission system means that you can access and process submitted papers from anywhere with internet access. The files, correspondence and interactions are all saved so you don’t need to maintain separate records. Automated workflows mean less manual work for you as editor however the systems can also be customized according to your journal’s needs. Different access levels are available for different editorial roles and there are various help and training resources at your disposal to support you with the system. For any questions or feedback about your submission system please contact your publisher.
Access your editorial system
Your journal’s submission system can be accessed via the “submit your article” link on each journal’s homepage on our ScienceDirect platform.
Follow the instructions on the submission landing page to register and/or log in.
Learning resources: Editor webinars
Editor training webinars run monthly, with new topics being added regularly. Past topics include reporting options, managing author invitations, manuscript analysis services, and guest editor training. You can access recordings of past webinars via the link below.
Our editor guide to Editorial Manager 새 탭/창에서 열기 outlines various learning pathways for different editor roles, and includes links to instructional videos and articles to help you familiarize yourself with EM. We also have a collection of short video guides 새 탭/창에서 열기 available, which cover some of the main aspects of working with Editorial Manager.
Introductory training video
Our Editorial Manager introductory training video 새 탭/창에서 열기 is available in four languages (English, French, Spanish and Mandarin) and provides an overview of the main tasks you will undertake as an editor in Editorial Manager. This is a great starting point for both new and experienced editors.