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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Welcome to the Couperin Customer Hub

Your destination for curated resources, invaluable insights, educational programs, and engaging webinars.      Here, we provide tailored support for your research and publishing pursuits, all within the framework of the Couperin Transformative Agreement. 

A team of individuals gathered around a laptop, engaged in discussion and collaboration

Couperin & Elsevier

The agreement

Elsevier and Couperin Consortium have established an agreement to support authors who wish to publish open access. 

The cost of publishing open access is covered under the terms of this agreement. When publishing open access in eligible hybrid and fully gold journals, eligible corresponding authors do not have to pay an article publishing charge (APC). 

Handshake in contemporary office space

For researchers ​& authors

Discover ScienceDirect and more

Here you will find useful information in order to search on ScienceDirect and find answers to your research questions. As an author, this section offers relevant information to publish open access under the Couperin agreement. 

Desktop in-modern office and online writer with blog inspiration

Libarians & research managers

Elevate your research and scholarly pursuits

Here you will find all the relevant information for Librarians and Administrators who want to support authors on their open access publishing journey. Discover essential resources for librarians and administrators supporting scientific authors in open access publishing.

Librarian looking up books on computer for student

Our team

Sarah Rodrigues


Sarah Rodrigues

Customer Success Manager


Sarah Rodrigues 더 읽어보기
Joan Sapin-Uribe


Joan Sapin-Uribe

Customer Success Manager


Joan Sapin-Uribe 더 읽어보기
Contact us

Your feedback is invaluable to us as we continuously enhance our portal and services. Whether you have suggestions, need assistance with a particular topic, or have inquiries about managing open-access publications, our experts are here to help. Don't hesitate to reach out—we're eager to hear from you and assist in any way we can [email protected] 새 탭/창에서 열기