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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Conversations in Action

Welcome to Conversations in Action, a videocast series on AI in healthcare. Join Dr Rahul Goyal and global leaders as they explore how AI optimizes clinical decisions and addresses key challenges in patient care.

Contact us to learn more.

Healthcare leaders Clinicians & Residents 새 탭/창에서 열기

Story clinician on tablet - Clinicalkey AI

Unlocking AI's potential in healthcare

Gain valuable insights from Dr Takeshi Iimura, a practicing primary and urgent care physician and Elsevier medical advisor from Kobe, Japan. Dr Iimura shares practical perspectives on how artificial intelligence in healthcare is enabling clinicians to enhance their care capabilities, deepen their understanding, and build stronger relationships with patients and staff. 

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AI: Transforming clinical decisions and overcoming challenges

Our 'Conversations in Action' series features insights from global healthcare experts on AI's transformative role in healthcare. Led by Dr Rahul Goyal, Clinical Executive, Elsevier, these discussions highlight how AI-powered solutions enhance decision-making, streamline workflows, and elevate patient care. Explore how these innovations are shaping the future of healthcare.

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