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Content policy and selection criteria

All-encompassing engineering literature database

Compendex comprises the most comprehensive engineering literature research in the world. It is continually updated, providing the engineering community with a timely and relevant resource for engineering research and discovery.

Periodically, new engineering publications are identified and selected for inclusion in the Compendex engineering database, while other currently covered engineering publications may be discontinued. Selections for new publications and content are made, in part, with the advice of external, independent reviewers, based on their professional expertise and background.

Engineering publications that are selected contain articles predominantly on core engineering subjects. Publications whose content is peripheral, or related, to engineering are occasionally evaluated, taking into consideration both the quality of the publication's engineering content, and the contribution its content makes to overall coverage of its particular subject in Compendex.

Journal selection criteria

Initial eligibility of journals will be evaluated on adherence to the following minimum criteria:

Valid, Registered ISSN


English Abstracts

-Regular Publication

-Regular publishing output

-Publication Ethics Statement (COPE)

-Publishing Ethics Resource Kit (PERK)

-Digital Preservation Policy (PORTICO)

-The CLOCKSS Archive

Eligible titles are reviewed according to a combination of quantitative and qualitative selection criteria:

Journal Policy

Quality of Content

Journal Standing


Online Availability

Convincing editorial concept/policy

Academic contribution to the field

Citedness of journal articles, including self-citation rate

No delay or interruption in publication schedules

Content available online

Type of peer-review

Clarity of abstracts

For local Chinese journals, ISTIC & other national rankings are consulted

Volume/issue frequency and article output should be reliable and predictable

Digital policies and preservation practices

Diversity and geographic distribution of editors

Quality and conformity with stated aims & scope

English-language journal home page

Diversity and geographic distribution of authors

Readability of articles

Quality of home page

Digital object Identifier

Selection criteria for Conference proceedings

Initial eligibility of conference proceedings will be evaluated on adherence to the following minimum criteria:

Valid, Registered ISSN/ISBN


Full-text Papers with English Abstracts

Content Accessible Online

Publication Ethics Statement

Eligible titles are reviewed according to a combination of quantitative and qualitative selection criteria:

Conference Policy

Conference Organization

Quality of Content

Conference Standing

Online Availability

Convincing and focused scope

Disclosure of partners/sponsors

Technical, scientific, and written quality of titles/abstracts

Reputation/standing of the technical and program committees

English-language conference home page

Transparent peer-review policy

Transparent guidelines and instructions for authors

Academic contribution to the field

Conference included in authoritative list

Quality of home page

Geographic diversity and distribution of technical and program committees

Transparent fee structure

Readability of articles

Digital object Identifier

Geographic diversity and distribution of authors

Quality and conformity with stated aims & scope

Originality/authenticity of papers

Engineering publications and content: A checklist for successful inclusion

Engineering publications and content should meet the following criteria:

  • Journals must have an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) as registered with the ISSN International Centre 새 탭/창에서 열기.

  • Engineering publications must have an English-language title and publish English-language abstracts for all engineering research articles. However, full-text articles can be in any language.

    • Informative, rather than indicative abstracts are preferred.

    • The clarity of abstracts is evaluated.

  • Publications must consist of peer-reviewed engineering content and have a publicly available description of the peer review process. Exceptions would be trade journals and some conference proceedings.

  • Publications must exhibit authority, often represented in the reputation of a commercial or society publisher.

  • Publications must have a convincing editorial policy, with conformity to the stated aims and scope of the publication.

  • Publications must comprise engineering content that is relevant for and readable by an international audience, e.g., they must have English language abstracts and publications, and have references in Roman script.

  • Overall quality must be high. Assessment of a publication's quality may include, but is not limited to, the following:

    • Academic contribution to the field wherein content and scientific merit (validity, importance, originality, and contribution to the coverage of the field in the overall contents of each engineering publication) are key factors considered in recommending a publication for indexing, whatever the intended purpose and audience. Articles represent original research of importance to the global scientific community.

    • International/geographic diversity of authors and editors.

  • Engineering publications must have a publicly available publication ethics and publication malpractice statement and adhere to publication ethics practices.

  • Publications must have a publicly available policy demonstrating adherence to digital preservation practice(s).

  • The appearance of the publication, i.e., print/paper/electronic/website, etc., must be high quality, clear, and accessible:

    • Either the full text or tables of contents must be available online, with a high quality English-language home page available.

    • Articles and abstracts must be clear and readable.

  • Engineering publications that consist primarily of content from reprinted articles, reports of association activities, abstracts of engineering literature, news items, or book reviews, will typically not be considered for selection.