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엘스비어와 함께 출판

GenAI for researchers - tips, tricks and pitfalls

Watch the video below to learn how generative AI can transform your research


GenAI for researchers webinar


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GenAI for researchers webinar

GenAI for researchers - tips, tricks and pitfalls

On 4th June 2024 we hosted an insightful webinar that unveiled the transformative potential of generative AI in the research realm.

Our guest thought leader, TP Lim - a seasoned AI and generative AI consultant - gave us a high-level overview of the technology and offered help with primary use cases for researchers using GenAI.

Our own internal product expert, Yoshiko Kakita, demonstrated the powerful capabilities of Scopus AI, which harnesses generative AI to optimize data analysis, improve accuracy, and solve problems, faster.

This educational and wide-ranging discussion of GenAI covered everything from an understanding of how GenAI and LLMs work, to ehtics and bias, to the best practice in using such tools as part of research workflows.

If you're a research leader who'd like to understand how Scopus AI can help your institution achieve its research goals, click on the link below to request a consultation.

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