Reviewers' Update - information for reviewers about relevant Elsevier and industry developments, support and training.

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Gostaríamos de receber seu feedback sobre essa nova experiência.Diga-nos sua opinião abre em uma nova guia/janela
23 de julho de 2018
Por Christopher Tancock, Bahar Mehmani
If you’ve visited Elsevier’s Reviewer Hub recently, you’ll have noticed some changes! New layouts, new resources and all-new content, carefully designed with you in mind… The revamped hub follows a period of conducting research and observing user behaviour to determine what you need when it comes to the area of reviewing and peer review.
Never done a review before and want some tips?
Come across plagiarism and not sure how to handle it?
Never heard of triple-blind peer review?
Want to see what rewards there are for reviewing?
Unsure of how to promote your reviewing activity?
Want to volunteer to review on your favourite journal?
The answer to all the above can be found on the Reviewer Hub! What’s more, there are videos, Reviewers’ Update stories, links to relevant journal articles, signposts to helpful Researcher Academy abre em uma nova guia/janela resources, connections to the Elsevier Publishing Support Center abre em uma nova guia/janela and more – all so you have the key tools at your immediate disposal, whatever your context and whatever you need to do.
We want to know what you think of the new hub, however! You’ll see that there is a (very) quick feedback form at the bottom of each page so please take the time if you can spare a few seconds to “vote” and let us know if you find the new pages helpful ("1" = no!, "5" = yes!). You can also send more in-depth feedback via the link at the bottom of each form. We really appreciate this feedback as it allows us to ensure that we’re giving you the best experience and covering all the topics that you need us to cover. Similarly, if you have any suggestions for new content either on the Reviewer Hub or in Reviewers’ Update; please let us know accordingly.
We hope that you enjoy using the new Reviewer Hub, but it is not a static resource and we will continue to grow, adjust and develop the material to ensure that we are keeping pace with the needs of modern peer review and reviewers. If at any time you have ideas for how it could be improved; we’re happy to hear from you.