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Hopkins: Pioneering change at MIT

Cambridge, Mass | 8 de julho de 2024

Por Rafael L Bras, ScD

For the video series "Not Alone: Conversation with Leaders," Prof Rafael L Bras of Georgia Tech University interviews Dr Nancy Hopkins, Professor of Biology at MIT about a pioneering gender study she spearheaded at MIT in 1994.

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Hopkins: Pioneering change at MIT

Three decades ago, Prof Nancy Hopkins spearheaded a pioneering gender study at MIT

Not Alone: Conversation with Leaders brings you the spoken words of leaders who have changed the world of research, academia and business. In 1994, Dr Nancy Hopkins abre em uma nova guia/janela, Professor of Biology at MIT, had enough. She finally concluded that she was suffering gender discrimination. In an extraordinary example of leadership by consensus, 17 women professors at MIT’s School of Science produced a report abre em uma nova guia/janela that changed the dynamics of gender in the professoriate at MIT and the United States. Prof Hopkins is a “reluctant leader”— but what a leader she is! Enjoy it.

This post is from the Not Alone newsletter, a monthly publication that showcases new perspectives on global issues directly from research and academic leaders.


Dr Rafael L Bras, Editor of Not Alone, is the former provost and executive vice president for Academic Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology.


Rafael L Bras, ScD

Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology School of Civil and Environmental Engineering | Editor, Not Alone

Ler mais sobre Rafael L Bras, ScD