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Husam N. Alshareef


Husam N. Alshareef

King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia

Prof. Alshareef's research focuses on developing nanomaterials for energy storage and electronic applications. His research efforts have recently centered on creating new battery chemistries for harsh environments, and batteries with higher energy density, lower cost, and better safety. His work has been recognized by over 25 awards including the SEMATECH Corporate Excellence Award, two Dow Sustainability Awards, the Kuwait Prize for Sustainable and Clean Technologies, the Shoman Award for Excellence in Energy Research, and the KAUST Distinguished Teaching Award. He has published over 600 papers and 80 issued patents. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), US National Academy of Inventors (NAI), Institute of Physics (IoP), Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC), and the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining. He has been a Clarivate Analytics Highly-cited Researcher in Materials Science for several years.