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Elsevier's powerful full-text platform can inspire instructors and students to deepen their exploration of specialized fields of study in and out of the classroom, or expand their horizons to new subjects.

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Whether undergraduates, graduates or PhD trainees, students at any level can engage with a broad range of high-quality scholarly materials: from introducing a broad range of subjects and fields on which to build a solid foundation, to advancing subject matter expertise through leading primary source information.

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Support your students and instructors

Elsevier’s journals and books on ScienceDirect can help to:

  • Meet course learning goals, from foundational knowledge to deeper explorations of a specialized field of study

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Information of all stages of learning

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"ScienceDirect not only provides access to quality scientific literature but also material for fundamental and conceptual understanding. I always find the sources credible and enjoy navigating it."

Portrait of prof-Sudarshan-Kurwadkar


Sudarshan Kurwadkar

Professor em California State University, Fullerton, USA

Support for information literacy skills

By embedding ScienceDirect as a scholarly information resource in coursework, students will learn how to:

  • Identify or apply terms and concepts for online searches

  • Find appropriate information to use in their work

  • Evaluate sources

  • Apply information from sources to their coursework

  • Correctly acknowledge sources in their work

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Learn how your library can help empower students to succeed. Our infographic highlights:

  • 5 essential capabilities all students need for academic and career success

  • 5 action steps librarians can take to help boost students' information literacy skills to build the capabilities they need

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ScienceDirect Information Literacy Infographic

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