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Bernhard Weigl


Bernhard Weigl

GH Labs, USA

As Senior Director of Diagnostics Research and Development at Global Health Labs (GH Labs), Bernhard Weigl oversees the development of next-generation diagnostic assays and diagnostic technology, including ultra-sensitive strip-based immuno- and molecular assays.

Previously, Bernhard served as the Director of In-Vitro Diagnostics and, before that, Principal Investigator for Flow-Based Diagnostics at Global Good, an investment fund of Intellectual Ventures. Prior to Global Good, Bernhard led the Diagnostics Group at PATH and served as Portfolio Leader for Non-Communicable Disease Diagnostics as well as Director of the National Institutes of Health-funded Center for Point-of-Care Diagnostics for Global Health.

Earlier in his career, Bernhard was a scientific co-founder of Micronics, Inc., where he led the development of the first FDA-approved instrument-free microfluidic test. Bernhard continues to serve as an Affiliate Professor at the University of Washington, Department of Bioengineering.

Bernhard earned his PhD and MS from Karl-Franzens-University Graz in Austria. He also completed post-doctoral studies at the University of Southampton and the University of Washington.