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Song Xu


Song Xu

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Prof X Song obtained his Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering and Automation from Tsinghua University, China (2006) and Doctorate degree (D.Phil) in Materials Engineering from University of Oxford, UK (2010). After working briefly from 2010 to 2012 in Oxford for Rolls Royce University Technology Center (RR-UTC) on stress analysis and numerical simulation, he joined Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech) under Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) Singapore as scientist/senior scientist from 2012, and won the best industry project award (2016) and best staff presentation award (2019) during his tenure. He recently joined Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2019 as Assistant Professor in design and manufacturing.

Prof. Song currently serves as editor of <Materials and Design> (2019 Impact Factor 5.77) and reviewer for many other journals. He has more than 100 papers published in SCI journals and 2 book chapters by Springer-Verlag Ltd. He is a member of Institute of Physics (MInstP) and Chartered Engineer (CEng) UK.