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Photo of Dr Juanjo Paterna with ClinicalKey UI element

Dr Juanjo Paterna, Physician specializing in Family Medicine (Spain)


1. Please briefly describe who you are and your role. I am Juanjo Paterna, a physician specializing in Family Medicine, working at the Centre d'Atenció Primària Pineda de Mar in Barcelona, Spain.

I care for approx. 1300 people, visiting them at the centre or doing home visits. Sometimes, I also work on-call at the emergency healthcare centres in my area.

2. What problems were you attempting to solve when you started using ClinicalKey?ClinicalKey was introduced to me 5 years ago when I began my residence, as a clinical resource mainly used to look for information. Our institution had and still has a subscription for it.

Nowadays, being a specialist, I usually use ClinicalKey for multiple tasks:

  • To check diagnostic criteria or procedures

  • Learn about specific exploratory manoeuvres and how to do them

  • Evaluate the most useful treatment and alternative approaches

I also use it to look for books and check new articles.

3. From your point of view, what are the biggest benefits you found in using ClinicalKey in your day-to-day routine? I think that the biggest benefit is having an updated resource with evidence-based quality content, it can give you confidence in managing the daily complex cases that you can encounter on the job.

4. What’s the primary reason you would recommend ClinicalKey? I would recommend it because it gives you confidence and agility in managing the daily workload, saving time and reducing the times you need to consult with another specialist. I think it also gives the patient more satisfaction because you can give them an answer without delaying the diagnosis or treatment.

5. Is it important in your daily clinical activity to have access to diagnostic support tools?It’s fundamental to have diagnostic support tools to provide a good quality medical attention. It can reduce iatrogenic risks, saves costs by reducing unnecessary tests, and saves time in finding the right approach for the patient’s treatment.

6. What benefits have you encountered since using the ClinicalKey app? Since I occasionally attend visits to patients’ homes, it gives me a chance to check information on-site, giving me confidence when making decisions or getting a clue for diagnosis.

Step Forward Testimonial - Dr Juanjo Paterna

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Step Forward Testimonial - Dr Juanjo Paterna

ClinicalKey Discovery Insights: Dr Juanjo Paterna

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