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The conference program will comprise lectures by our invited speakers supplemented by selected contributed talks and poster sessions.

The program will be available at a later time.

Conference Online Platform

We are delighted to announce that Measurement, Sensor Systems and Applications Conference (MeSSAC2025) has its own Conference Online Platform, which will be available and live when close to the event.

This includes the oral and poster programme, information on presentations, speakers, sponsors, exhibitors and more.

The Conference Online Platform will be updated leading up to and during the conference as changes occur and push notifications will be sent on the platform to keep you up to date with the latest information.

You will need to set-up an account if you don’t already have one and login to use the platform, please use the email address you registered for the conference with, the same one you are receiving this email.

Details on how to access the conference online platform will be sent to you later.

Networking via the Conference Online Platform

You can contact and chat with other conference attendees via the Conference Online Platform. Create your profile and sign into the platform, this will allow you to:

  • Be included in the attendee list

  • Chat to attendees via the platform

  • Schedule appointments at the conference with other attendees

  • Build up a contact list

Please ensure you access the Conference Online Platform via Laptop (best with Google Chrome) instead of mobile device to enable above functionalities to work correctly.