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Sponsors & Exhibitors


MICROTRAC – Experts in Particle Characterization

MICROTRAC is your preferred partner for the comprehensive characterization of particulate systems. We provide our customers with advanced technologies to obtain consistent and reliable results you can trust. Innovation and quality are at the core of everything we do. Our centers of excellence in Germany, the USA, Japan, and France, allow us to provide our customers with the best analytical instruments for R&D, Quality Control, and Product Development.

Our Solutions:

Materials Characterization

We offer advanced solutions for measuring surface area, porosity, and catalytic properties of materials. The BEL analyzers, celebrated for their precision in gas and vapor adsorption measurements, determine BET surface area and pore size distribution for both porous and non-porous materials. These tools are trusted worldwide, reflecting the renowned craftsmanship and quality of Japanese engineering, with comprehensive support from our competence centers in Osaka, Japan, and Haan, Germany. The BELSORP and BELPORE analyzers are essential for achieving accurate gas and vapor adsorption analysis.

Particle Size & Shape

Our expertise in particle size distribution and shape analysis ensures optimal product quality control and supports advanced research efforts. At the core of our technology are the CAMSIZER and SYNC systems. These two technologies cover all your needs for particle size analysis, ranging from 10 nm to 135 mm, whether for dry or wet samples. Our unique shape analysis technology utilizes advanced light scattering, state-of-the-art cameras, and sophisticated computational software to deliver the accuracy and repeatability you deserve. Both systems are continually upgraded to provide the highest quality, precision, and accuracy you require.

Colloids and Formulations

When working with colloids or formulations, the three main parameters to consider are particle size, zeta potential, and stability. At Microtrac, we address all these needs with our comprehensive technologies: NANOTRAC, STABINO, and TURBISCAN. Our solutions analyze these critical factors to ensure rapid R&D and quality control for the highest product quality. Utilizing Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS), Static Multiple Light Scattering (SMLS), and Zeta Potential (ZP), our systems offer unique features such as non-dilution, high accuracy, and fast measurement—enabling you to make fast decisions based on reliable data.


Commercial opportunities

Choose from a variety of sponsorship and commercial options to raise your profile and position your company as a thought leader in the community.

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Reasons why being a sponsor is a brilliant marketing strategy

  • Highly targeted marketing – reach your community

  • Brand awareness & recognition – logo and advertisement placement

  • Access to knowledge – find out about new research being undertaken

  • Engage with your audience – at the event and online

  • Media exposure - benefit from being promoted throughout Elsevier’s marketing process

  • Enhance credibility – highlight your company’s expertise to a captive audience

  • Generate new sales & form new partnerships – with registrants, vendors and speakers

  • Leveraged lead generation - the chance to be recommended to attendees’ connections

An exhibition will run alongside the conference sessions. Space is available on a first-come, first-served basis. In addition, a range of commercial sponsorship opportunities are available.

To discuss your requirements or to book sponsorship or exhibit space please contact:

Ian Morley Tel: +44 (0)1590 641959 E-mail: [email protected] S’ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre

Please do not email credit card information under any circumstances.