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Oral and poster abstracts are now invited on the following topics. They should be submitted using the online abstract submission system.

Deadline: 17 February 2025

Mini oral presentations

As an additional presentation option for the 2025 conference, in addition to oral and poster presentations, Algal 2025 will also offer mini oral presentations. These will be a short 3-minute oral presentation, with one PowerPoint slide, as well as a poster presentation in one of the scheduled poster sessions.

Conference topics

  • Algal Biotechnology - Molecular Engineering

  • Algal Biology - Biodiversity and Bioprospecting of Algae for Biofuels and Bioproducts

  • Algal Biotechnology - Metabolic Regulation of Algae for Biofuels and Bioproducts

  • Algal Cultivation - Phototrophic Systems in Open Ponds

  • Algal Cultivation - Phototrophic Systems in Photobioreactors

  • Algal Cultivation - Heterotrophic Systems, including utilization of waste waters for algal production

  • Bioreactor Design, Engineering and Control

  • Algal Harvesting and Extraction Systems

  • Engineering of Biorefinery Systems, Technologies, and End-to-end Integration

  • New Technologies in Support of Algal Research - Areas of Separation, Refining, Detection, Characterization and Analysis

  • Engineering Technologies for Algal Biofuels - Thermal Catalytic and Non-Catalytic, and Enzymatic systems

  • Bioproducts from Algae Including High-Value Products and Co-products

  • Life Cycle, Technoeconomic, and Sustainability Modeling and Analysis of Algal Production and Fuel Cycle Systems

  • Nutrient Recycling and Management

  • Algal Biology – Improving photosynthetic growth and biomass productivity

Your submission should be in the form of text, no more than 300 words long. If your abstract is accepted, it will be included in the conference app with abstract and program information.

All abstracts will be reviewed by the Committee to ensure that the topic of the submission is consistent with the scope of the topics covered at the meeting.

A condition of submission is that, if accepted, at least one of the authors must register for and present at the conference.

You can submit as many abstracts to the conference for review as you would like.

If, after the review by the committee, you have more than one paper accepted for the conference, you will need to register to attend and pay an additional paper fee for each additional paper (i.e., for the 2nd, 3rd, 4th papers – not the 1st). Please note this is for papers that you are the presenting author of, not papers that you are co-author of.

Successfully submitted abstracts will be acknowledged with an electronic receipt including an abstract reference number, which should be quoted in all correspondence. Allow at least 2 hours for your receipt to be returned to you. Please check spam/junk folders as this may sometimes get filtered there.

Early Abstract Notification Requests

If you are attending the conference from a country that requires a US visa and would like early abstract notification to start the visa application process, please contact: [email protected] 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く (please do not email credit card information under any circumstances).

For queries regarding papers already submitted

If you do not receive acknowledgement for your abstract submission, DO NOT RESUBMIT your abstract, as this may lead to duplication.

Please email queries to the Conference Content Executive 新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く (do not email credit card information under any circumstances). Quote your reference number if you have one.