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ClinicalKey Studentは、信頼できるコンテンツを適切なタイミングとレベルで提供することで、学習者一人ひとりのユニークなジャーニーをサポートします。

ClinicalKey for Students Test BookChapter SearchBar

Preparing more future health professionals

Make education more engaging and efficient

ClinicalKey Student seamlessly connects the dots between learning and testing in a singular experience. With a curated collection of widely acclaimed textbooks paired with high-quality assessments and student-friendly learning tools, faculty can track progress and improve student performance.

Medical students in lab

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Provide faculty with powerful teaching tools and analytics

  • Optimize teaching time with access to thousands of vetted high-yield questions that align with learning objectives, faculty can quickly create and assign assessments to students.

  • Track student performance the performance dashboard provides faculty with data-driven insights that help identify at-risk students and measure individual and cohort understanding across topics.

  • Support curriculum integration faculty can share direct links to specific content, assign custom reading lists for students and create teaching materials using copyright free imagery.

happy discussion amongst clinicians at clinic

Develop foundational knowledge and confidence in students

  • Promote self-directed learning students can independently discover and interact with reliable content and create their own quizzes from multiple question banks across a variety of topics.

  • Provide targeted feedback students are directed to further remediation based on individual quiz results, helping them focus their study and improve their understanding.

  • Maintain educational equity and opportunity guarantee all students have access to the same resources which accommodate individual learning styles, allow for personalized settings and offer multiple accessibility features.

Student working on laptop

Students get access to:

Acclaimed Textbooks Feature

Acclaimed textbooks

Covering top titles such as Gray’s Anatomy for Students, Costanzo Physiology and Cecil Essentials of Medicine.
Quick Access Summaries Feature

Quick access summaries

View the most common diseases at a glance.
View Images Feature

High-resolution images

Discover the details within anatomical structures, diagnostic imaging, clinical examinations and more.
Presentations Setup Feature

Presentation tool

Create presentations with unlocked images and automatically cited sources.
Video Clip Heart Feature

Wide range of videos

From practical demos of anatomical dissections to instructional clinical examinations.
Flashcard feature visualization from CK Student

Mobile app

Download textbooks, make notes and create flashcards.

Prepare more future health professionals with ClinicalKey Student
