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Enable insights with a holistic view of academic accomplishments

A centralized platform for activity reporting gives institutional leaders a holistic view of academic contributions across teaching, research and service to inform strategic decision-making. Plus, it enables scholars to tell their full academic story. 

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Enable insights with a holistic view of academic accomplishments

Easy participation for academic staff

By using Interfolio to handle activity reporting, your institution gives academic staff a way to collect and showcase their work—from research to teaching to service. Prioritise faculty time at every step of the way by auto-populating publications with Interfolio Data Service. With this centralized data hub, academic staff can easily export their activities into CVs, promotion, annual reviews and more.  

Easy participation for academic staff

Fuel institutional insights with central data hub

Be confident that all your reports are drawing from the same pool of verified data. With Interfolio’s Faculty Activity Reporting module, you can easily provide activity data and insights to internal leaders like the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Provost, Deans, and Chief Operating Officer. Similarly, you can generate reports for accreditation (e.g., AACSB for Business Schools), as well as equity and diversity initiatives. 

files and folders network
Rice university case study cover

Case study: Read about how Rice University created a structured, trusted database of their faculty activities, drawing from campus systems and the Interfolio Data Service.

Read the Rice university case study  新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く

Activate data for academic career milestones

Interfolio’s Faculty Information System allows you to use trusted data from activity reporting in academic evaluations, including annual reviews, promotions, sabbatical requests and more. This seamless integration builds transparency into the process. It also brings efficiency to your academics, staff and institutional leaders. 

Activate data for academic career milestones


Faculty Activity Reportingを搭載したインターフォリオのFaculty Web Profilesは、教員が自身の学術的なストーリーを簡単に伝えることができます。受賞した助成金、教育、学術コミュニティへの貢献、査読された研究業績だけでなく、より広範囲な影響力を示す指標を紹介することができます。さらに、学部間や学外とのつながりを促進することもできます。

Interfolio faculty profiles
Interfolio case study: The University of Rhode Island cover

Case study: Discover how the University of Rhode Island saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in faculty and administrative time using Interfolio’s Faculty Activity Reporting and Review, Promotion & Tenure modules.

Read the URI case study  新しいタブ/ウィンドウで開く

大学リーダー:教職員と学業にインサイト、エクイティ、効率性を導入し、あなたの教育機関を前進させます。 (1)

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