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엘스비어와 함께 출판

Committee & Speakers

Conference Co-Chairs

Bhesh Bandari


Bhesh Bhandari

Co-EiC of Future Foods, The University of Queensland School of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Australia

Siew Young Quek


Siew Young Quek

Co-EiC of Future Foods, The University of Auckland School of Chemical Sciences, New Zealand

Weibiao Zhou


Weibiao Zhou

Editor of Food Control, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Invited Speakers

Benu Adhikari


Benu Adhikari

Talk Topic: New food source

RMIT University, Australia

Benu Adhikari 더 읽어보기
Antonio Derossi


Antonio Derossi

Talk Topic: 3D food printing

University of Foggia, Italy

Antonio Derossi 더 읽어보기


Xiao Dong Chen

Soochow University, China


Ciarán Forde

Talk Topic: Sensory nutrition

Wageningen University, The Netherlands


Joanne Hort

Theme: Consumer dimensions of future foods

Massey University, New Zealand


Florian ‘Floyd’ Mueller

Theme: Human-computer-food interactions

Monash University, Australia


Shigeki Sugii

Talk Topic: Cultured meat and fat

Singapore Institute of Food and Biotechnology Innovation, A*STAR , Singapore


Aletta Schnizler

Theme: Precision fermentation

TurtleTree, Singapore


Qichang Yang

Talk Topic: Urban farming

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), China

Local Scientific Committee

Alvin Loo, NUS Food Science & Technology, Singapore

Bo Pang, NUS Food Science & Technology, Singapore

Dejian Huang, NUS Food Science & Technology, Singapore

Jung Eun Kim, NUS Food Science & Technology, Singapore

Mei Hui Liu, NUS Food Science & Technology, Singapore

Shao Quan Liu, NUS Food Science & Technology, Singapore

Vinayak Ghate, NUS Food Science & Technology, Singapore

International Scientific Committee

Anil Kumar Anal, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand

Antonio Derossi, University of Foggia, Italy

Carol J. Hartley, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), Australia

Ciarán Forde, Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Hye Seong Lee, Ewha Womans University, Republic of Korea

Miguel Ângelo Cerqueira, International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal

Mustafa Bayram, University of Gaziantep, Turkey

Sangeeta Prakash, University of Queensland, Australia