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엘스비어와 함께 출판

HESI Clinical Practice Readiness Assessment

Screen-based simulations include questions in the style of the Next Generation NCLEX®, and outcome alignment with the AACN Essentials competency framework, faculty can understand students’ knowledge and skills to succeed as a nurse in clinical practice.

Nurses collaborating on a laptop in a healthcare setting

Assess your students’ practice readiness with

Assess your students’ practice readiness

Through high-fidelity, screen-based simulations that include questions in the style of the Next Generation NCLEX®, and outcome alignment with the AACN Essentials competency framework, faculty can understand whether students have the knowledge and skills needed to succeed as a new nurse in clinical practice.

Knowledge, skills, & abilities (KSAs) evaluated across:​

  1. Assessment​

  2. Communication​

  3. Education​

  4. Safety​

  5. Clinical Judgment

Standardized, reliable evaluation

Standardized, reliable evaluation provides a consistent method to assess nursing students’ practice readiness as well as reliable insights that enable you to identify student strengths and weaknesses, trends across your students, and possible curriculum gaps.

CPRA standardized reliable evaluation

Reporting for students and faculty

Student reporting details the mastery level achieved overall per each of the five constructs, including assessment, communication, education, safety, and clinical judgment.

Faculty reporting shows class performance distribution and construct, students performing lower than proficient, individual student performance with the overall practices readiness score.

Reporting for students and faculty

CPRA supports nursing education with:

CPRA Natural language

Natural language conversation engine

Students engage with diverse simulated patients using their own words to gather subjective data and provide therapeutic communication.
Standardized, reliable evaluation

Standardized, reliable evaluation

A consistent method to assess nursing students’ practice readiness and reliable insights to identify student strengths and weaknesses, trends, and curriculum gaps.
Next Generation NCLEX®-style questions

Next Generation NCLEX®-style questions

Gauge students’ ability to make key clinical judgments regarding patient care.
Alignment with AACN Essentials competency framework

Alignment with AACN Essentials competency framework

Proof of demonstrated student outcomes in a range of patient contexts.
Secure browser delivery

Secure browser delivery

Ensures ongoing updates and enhanced security via the same technology used by NCSBN to deliver the NCLEX