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A high-level program will include expert plenary and keynote lectures, together with focussed featured talks by invited speakers, supplemented by talks and large poster sessions for which abstracts are invited


The following two tutorials will take place within the program.

Chemical growth of hybrid nanoparticles Leader: Luis Liz-Marzán, CIC biomaGUNE, Spain

Hydrogels with nonlinear mechanical properties Leader: Eugenia Kumacheva, University of Toronto, Canada

Functional mesoporous materials : strategies to control mesostructure, multifunctionality and morphology Leader: Corine Gerardin, CNRS, France


Topics include:

Symposium A: Biohybrids, biomaterials and biological materials

Combining advanced materials with biology has become one of the most innovative research fields. This symposium will highlight recent advances in the design of functional materials that mimic, or are inspired by, materials found in nature. Materials prepared using biological systems, including living organisms and renewable sources and materials, will also be covered. Nanostructural control for the delivery of biological molecules and cells will be reviewed. Another topic of focus will be hybrid materials specifically designed for biomedical applications.

Topics include bioinspired and biomimetic materials, biomineralisation, biosensors, biocatalysts and biotemplates, wearables, green materials, synthetic/biopolymer hybrids, nanomedicine and advanced implants, drug delivery, tissue engineering, 3D bioprinting, dynamic and living materials, 3D in vitro models and organoids, active materials and robotics.

Symposium B: Functional hybrid nanomaterials, nanocomposites and their applications

Hybrid nanocomposites offer unique advantage to enable integration, miniaturisation and multi-functionalisation of devices. This symposium will focus on nanochemistry and nanotectonic based approaches to hybrid materials, including polymer-matrix nanocomposites, hybrid nanomaterials and functional nanostructures. Equal attention will be paid to recent developments in polymer science, metallic/oxide nanoparticle design and characterization/properties of the organic-inorganic interface at the nanoscale.

Topics include sol-gel derived hybrids, functional hybrid nanoparticles and nanotubes, functional nanostructures, nanoheterostructures, self-organisation of nanoobjects, nanocomposites, glassy composites; energy, environmental and structural hybrids; photonic materials, applications and modern methodologies for advanced materials characterization.

Symposium C: Functional porous materials

The ability to tailor materials properties over broad length scales suggests that research on hybrids can significantly impact diverse fields, such as nanophotonics, capture and separation techniques, catalysis and smart coatings. This symposium will be dedicated to preparation and applications of porous hybrid materials, including zeolites, MOFs and meso/macroporous materials, with special emphasize on self-assembly and templated growth processing and rational design of hierarchically porous structures.

Topics include zeolites, MOFs, COFs, mesoporous materials, foams, macrocellular solids, hierarchically structured materials, clathrates, membranes, porous polymeric systems, and porous carbon materials.

Symposium D: Energy and sustainability

The ever-growing demand for energy necessitates a paradigm shift towards sustainable solutions. This symposium fosters a dynamic platform for researchers, policymakers, and industry leaders to explore cutting-edge advancements and collaborative strategies for a clean and sustainable energy future.

Topics include renewable energy, energy storage solutions, sustainable infrastructure and build environments, smart grid technologies, the future of transportation, climate change mitigation strategies.

Gala dinner

A Gala Dinner for the 8th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials will be held on Wednesday 5 March 2025 at Domaine de Verchant.

On February 1, 1582, Pierre Verchant, bourgeois of Montpellier, purchased a farm from the Bishop of Montpellier. An agricultural property belonging to the assets of Maguelonne Abbey. This farm took the name of its purchaser, Verchant, and still has this name four centuries later.

The beautiful estate surrounded by vineyards provides the perfect backdrop to an informal evening to dine with speakers and delegates.

Tickets for the evening are charged at €80.00 + VAT per person and include:

  • Return coach transfer to Le Corum

  • Live entertainment

  • 3 course meal with wine

Places are limited, please book early via the registration system to avoid disappointment!

Previous delegates have said:

"High quality of presentations and relevant researchers. Five parallel sessions well organized."