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Engineering students in a classroom working on a project

Knovel helps your students save time, incorporate technical information into their work and expand their knowledge. With the same engineering resources and tools as professionals in the field, students are better prepared for a technology-driven and competitive job market.

  • Single platform, many providers: Content from the National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST), Wiley, Springer Nature, Elsevier and many more on a single platform

  • Unique training environment: Interdisciplinary breadth combined with an intuitive user interface helps students enhance information literacy and creative problem-solving

  • Early exposure to industry: Build applied engineering and research skills with dynamic content, trusted references, technical references and industry best practices

We offer flexible subscription options, fully compliant usage reports, and customer support and resources to help librarians like you in your mission of promoting curiosity, knowledge and student success.

Learn more about how Knovel works.

Projeto de engenharia química com o Knovel

Aprenda a criar um fluxograma para a fabricação de cerveja e para selecionar os materiais certos para a fermentação usando o Knovel.

Knovel in the Classroom

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"Knovel’s information and interactive tools provide real value to students."

Lim Kong Meng


Lim Kong Meng

Head Librarian em Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Content sources from more than 140 of the world’s most trusted engineering sources

Knovel provides broad coverage of engineering topics from sources across disciplines and industries.

  • >40 subject categories

  • >54 million data points

  • >250 universities & research institutions worldwide

Learn more about Knovel's technical content.

Engineering tags & keywords illustration

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Engineering students working on project in classroom