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PharmaPendium is the most powerful way to advance your drug portfolio

Used by the FDA and the world’s top pharma companies, PharmaPendium supports key decisions on drug safety and efficacy. Reduce animal testing and launch life-changing therapies faster with the unparalleled regulatory and drug data in PharmaPendium.

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Predict success or failure of candidates for your drug portfolio as early as possible

  • Find powerful preclinical and clinical data and tools for the translation to humans

  • Benchmark against approved and withdrawn drugs with the same mechanism of action as your drug candidates

  • Predict:

The more you find and predict, the less animal testing you need.

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Successful regulatory submissions

  • Predict fast and effective strategies for the success of all regulatory submissions

  • Use PharmaPendium to minimize regulatory cycling and avoid failing approval

  • Find information about previous regulatory submissions and profit from precedents to predict agencies’ requirements

Business meeting within pharmaceutical industry

Find precise data — like in no other tool

DDI risk calculator picto

FDA and EMA documents

Harness the power of PharmaPendium with complete FDA and EMA approval packages and critical FDA Advisory Committee Meeting documents, like in no other tool.
Efficacy data picto

Enhanced visualization

Seamlessly move from table view to interactive charts, graphs and visual aids to easily interrogate and interpret data.
Predictive model picto

Predictive tools

Predict harmful DDIs using the DDI Risk Calculator and the risk of off-target adverse events using the Safety Margin Tool.
Cultivate curiosity picto

Unparalleled search capabilities

Find information by adverse events (MedDRA), targets, indications, drugs and endpoints using normalized data. Result pages bridge the preclinical to clinical divide.
Reference picto

Real-world evidence from FAERS

Search over 19 million reports in FAERS (FDA Adverse Event Reporting System) to find any adverse event from real-world evidence and post-market drug safety.
Data management picto

Machine-readable data

PharmaPendium’s high-quality datasets are available for off-platform usage. Embed the data into your workflows and models for more accurate search and prediction.

"... PharmaPendium excels in retrieving specific toxicity observations across approval documents categorized by drug and species."

Guy Bouvier


Guy Bouvier, PhD, ERT

Director, Toxicology & Product Safety em Groupe Pierre Fabre

Frequently asked questions

PharmaPendium Support Center

The most powerful way to advance your drug portfolio | PharmaPendium. Find it. Predict it.

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